AOqc :America Online:Preferences AOL Pipe1 AOO Pipe AOL Pipe0 Internet access is not available unless you are connected to AOL, please select Connect… from the AOL menu to access the Internet. Internet access has been terminated because you have Quit America Online. To make further connections, Sign On to America Online again. Internet access has been terminated because you have logged out. To make further connections, Sign On to America Online again. Internet access has been suspended while you are in a free area, when you leave the free area, Internet access will be restored. AOL Application couldn't be found for AppleEvent Send AOL Application couldn't be found for AppleEvent Send AOL Application couldn't be found for AppleEvent Send Unexpected error occurred in the Read to AOL, network will likely be unavailable The Port closed or there is no session... PPC Connection to AOL didn't open. Are you running 2 copies of this? PPCToolbox couldn't be initialized, are you running System 7? PPC Connection to AOL couldn't be closed PPC Connection to AOL couldn't be Ended